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The Afterlife of Sculptures | Categorizing, Defining, Labeling, Viewing: Between Scholarship, the Art Market & the Law
Wed, May 2, 2018
Session 1: Categorizing, Defining, Labeling, Viewing: Between Scholarship, the Art Market and the Law
Moderated by Mette Carlsen (Independent)
Jocelyn Poulton and Philip Hewat-Jaboor (Vetting Coordinator and Chair of the Fair, Masterpiece London Art Fair), “Informing the Public: It’s all in the Label”
Laura Bartolomé Roviras (Curator, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí), “Defining Standards: the Previous and Necessary Effort Before Undertaking a Catalogue Raisonné”

Wed, May 2, 2018
Session 1: Categorizing, Defining, Labeling, Viewing: Between Scholarship, the Art Market and the Law
Moderated by Mette Carlsen (Independent)
Jocelyn Poulton and Philip Hewat-Jaboor (Vetting Coordinator and Chair of the Fair, Masterpiece London Art Fair), “Informing the Public: It’s all in the Label”
Laura Bartolomé Roviras (Curator, Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí), “Defining Standards: the Previous and Necessary Effort Before Undertaking a Catalogue Raisonné”