Joshua I. Cohen has been awarded The Dedalus Foundation’s 2022 Senior Fellowship for his book project Art of the Opaque: African Modernisms, Decolonization, and the Cold War. Sandra Zalman was also awarded…
Sandra Zalman has been awarded The Dedalus Foundation’s 2022 Senior Fellowship for her book The Modern Remodeled: Museums of Modern Art at Mid-Century and the Construction of the Canon. Joshua I. Cohen was…
The Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowship for 2022-2023 has been awarded to Indrani Saha, a Ph.D. candidate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for her dissertation The Spiritual Curation…
Sophie Taeuber-Arp: Living Abstraction (The Museum of Modrn Art, NY) published for the exhibition was shown at the Kunstmuseum Basel, Tate Modern in London, and the Museum of Modern Art, New York has…
The winner of the 2022 Robert Motherwell Book Award is Object Lessons: Case Studies in Minimal Art—The Guggenheim Panza Collection Initiative (Guggenheim Museum) by Francesca Esmay, Ted Mann, and Jeffrey…