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The Dedalus Foundation Exhibition Catalogue Award is awarded annually to an outstanding exhibition catalogue published in a given calendar year that makes a significant contribution to the scholarship of modern art or modernism.
We accept nominations from November 1 through December 16.

Nomination Criteria

Eligibility for the 2025 award is limited to catalogues published in 2024, in English, that make a significant contribution to the understanding of modern art or modernism. (Our definition of modernism is broad and we will consider catalogues that deal with art created between the early twentieth century and the present.) Along with documenting an exhibition, eligible catalogues should feature essays that expand and illuminate in innovative ways knowledge about the subject of the exhibition. Eligible catalogues should consist primarily of new, unpublished material.

Nomination Timeline & Procedure

Museums, galleries, and publishers may nominate any exhibition catalogues published in 2024 that they believe merit the jury’s consideration.

Publishers of catalogues that the jury wishes to consider further will be contacted in February 2025, and asked to ship review copies directly to each of the three members of the jury.

Inquiries may be sent to cataward@dedalusfoundation.org.

Submit Nominations